Author: SilaKayo
December 06, 2019
How Do Airplanes Fly?

This is an image of a virtual Wind tunnel.
A Wind tunnel is a large tube with air blowing through it. They are used by researcher to learn more about how an aircraft fly.
A video taken from our simulation (work in progress).

3D screenshots taken from our simulation (work in progress).
Do you want to understand how aircrafts fly?
In our upcoming simulation MCAS simulation which will be available soon on Steam Early Access, you will be able to understand how big airplanes stay in the air without falling. Use this link to add it to your wishlist on Steam to get all updates.
We will be sharing frequent updates on our progress, so if you are interested just fasten your seatbelt and follow us on the social channels listed below:

Software Developer, 2D/3D Artist, Internet Entrepreneur, Aviation addict. Chasing my dreams.